Archives for : Folklore

Pu Nyer & Nya Nyer – the Ancestors

Pu Nyer & Nya Nyer on the steps to Wat Aham

Pu Nyer & Nya Nyer on the steps to Wat Aham

The religion in Luang Prabang is Therevada Buddhism which also includes the spirits of the land and water, the Nagas, and also the tutelary gods of Luang Prabang, Pu Nyer and Nya Nyer (with their stepson the lion named Singkow Singkom).

The story goes that when the king of the gods came to earth, before there were people, he brought with him two helpers who cleared the jungle for him as he moved west.

Those helpers were Pu Nyer and Nya Nyer.

When they came to the spot that is now Luang Prabang, Pu Nyer and Nya Nyer decided to stay.

They came to an agreement with the 15 families of Nagas that already lived here and they settled down to grow rice. Their rice fields were close to the current location of Wat Visoun and Wat Aham.

They became the ancestors of the Lao people and they are still venerated in Luang Prabang.

Pu Nyer & Nya Nyer lead the New year Parade

Pu Nyer & Nya Nyer lead the New year Parade

Their masks and costumes are kept in a small building alongside Wat Aham where there used to be an alter to them for people to make offerings.

Each year, after a ceremony to bring the spirits of these gods back to their costumes, they play a feature role in important ceremonies.

For example, they march at the head of parades and they collect holy water from the rivers to use to wash the most sacred Buddha statue, the Pra Bang during Pi Mai.

You will find miniature versions for sale right across Luang Prabang.